GS CleanTech Corp. v. Adkins Energy LLC, No. 16-2231 (Fed. Cir. 2020)
Woodard Emhardt attorney, Spiro Bereveskos, was on the trial team and cross examined the Cantor Colburn, LLP attorney who admitted “it sent a chill up his spine” to learn the inventors had sent the offer letter more than a year before the filing of the patent application. The original suit alleged that the defendants infringed plaintiff’s family of patents relating to ethanol production processes. The ensuing litigation culminated in the Court finding that the patents were invalid and not infringed by any defendant. Those findings were further bolstered at a trial in which the Court then found the patents unenforceable due to inequitable conduct by the attorneys. Woodard Emhardt attorneys Spiro Bereveskos, Dan Lueders, and Lisa Hiday represent Defendant Iroquois Bio-Energy Company, LLC.