The Firm congratulates Blue-9 Pet Products on the launch of PropelTM Air Platform, the first connective inflatable training platform.
Since 2014, Blue-9 Pet Products has been developing premium solution-based products to promote and strengthen the human-canine bond. Blue-9 Pet Products began when the professional K9 training community revealed the need for a platform designed specifically for training dogs. After developing and testing several prototypes and gathering extensive input from respected trainers, veterinarians and animal behaviorists, the KLIMB® platform was released for sale in 2014. Blue-9 Pet Products continues to explore ways to improve the human-canine bond and improve dog training.
To protect the intellectual property assets of Blue-9 Pet Products, David Blake, Founder and President of Blue-9, LLC worked with Woodard attorneys, John McNett and Jim Blaufuss, to secure business and product name trademarks and obtain U.S. Patent Numbers US 9.282,819 B2, D985,216S, and D985, 217S. Additional patents are pending.
For more information on Blue-9 Pet Products, please visit: