Extend Your Patent Term
February 5, 2010
In a recent case (Wyeth v. Kappos), the Federal Circuit issued an opinion concerning how Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) should be calculated. The USPTO’s method of calculating PTA will now be revised based on the new standard. The result favors…
Read MoreTrademarks: First Madrid Protocol Affidavits Coming Due
January 26, 2010
In a recent blog update (link below), USPTO Director David Kappos issued a reminder that the first affidavits for extensions of trademark protection issued under the Madrid Protocol will be coming due between February 1, 2010 and February 1, 2011.…
Read MoreProposed Modifications to BPAI Rules Regarding Ex Parte Appeals
January 7, 2010
The United State Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) is considering modifications to rules governing practice before the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (BPAI) in ex parte appeals. Changes to the BPAI rules were first proposed in 2007 and finalized…
Read MoreUSPTO to Accelerate Review of Green Technology Patents
December 9, 2009
The USPTO is introducing a new pilot program which will accelerate the examination of certain “green” technology patent applications. Under normal circumstances, patent applications are examined in the order that they are filed. Currently, the average pendency time for applications…
Read MoreUSPTO Director Kappos now blogging on new USPTO website
December 1, 2009
New USPTO Director David Kappos is reaching out and attempting to engage the public on the topic of patent law and other issues that matter to both inventors and the patent bar alike. Mr. Kappos began the blog earlier this…
Read MoreMidwest Intellectual Property Symposium Held Nov. 19 – 20
November 24, 2009
The Midwest Intellectual Property Symposium was held November 19 & 20 at the University Hotel and Conference Center in Indianapolis, IN. The event was sponsored by the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Foundation and featured presentations by speakers in a variety…
Read MoreWoodard, Emhardt Attorneys Teach PubWEST Patent Searching Class At Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library’s Central Library
November 12, 2009
Patent searching is typically the first step in determining whether to pursue patent protection for an invention. On November 11, 2009, Woodard, Emhardt attorneys Chuck Schmal and Doug Gallagher presented a class on techniques for conducting patent searches using the…
Read MoreSupreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Bilski v. Kappos
November 10, 2009
Monday the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the highly anticipated Bilski v. Kappos case. The Court’s decision in this case, which is expected by the spring of 2010, will shape what types of technology is and is not…
Read MoreICANN Set to Expand Domain Name Space
November 4, 2009
ICANN (the body responsible for regulating domain names) is planning to expand the domain name system to better reach an international audience. Domain names consisting of non-latin characters are currently set to be launched on November 16, 2009. These characters…
Read MoreThailand Becomes the 142nd PCT Member
October 27, 2009
On September 24, 2009, Thailand (TH) became the 142nd Contracting State of the PCT. Thailand will become bound by the PCT on December 24, 2009, and all PCT applications filed on or after December 24 will automatically designate Thailand.
Read MoreNew Patent Search Tool
October 21, 2009
A new patent search tool offered by WIPO is available here. The tool includes about 1.6 million PCT applications as well as the patent collections of ARIPO, Cuba, Israel, Mexico, South Korea, Singapore, South Africa and Vietnam. Additional collections will be added in…
Read MoreUSPTO Rescinds Controversial Claiming and Continuations Rules
October 9, 2009
The USPTO announced today that it will officially rescind its controversial claiming and continuations rules package next week. The restrictive rules package sought to impose extensive limits on the way applicants could claim their inventions and on the number of…
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